cave of the heart
Nestled in the heart of Olde Riverside, Cave of the Heart is a Healing Home Sanctuary specializing in Complimentary Treatments offered by Licensed Holistic Practitioner Kerrie Prema Riberdy. Established in 2018, we have since closed the Yoga Studio but continue to offer weekly Satsang and monthly Kirtan from inside White Birch Wholistics in Riverside. These sacred gatherings entail Meditation and Mantra, and are facilitated by The Kirtaneers, a small group of dedicated Yogis consisting of Nancy Dayā Drew (Harmonium/Lead Vocals), Lise Desmarais (Drum/Guitar/Vocals) and Kerrie Prema Riberdy (Kartals/Vocals). Bhakti Yoga (Path of Love and Devotion) is our main path here at Cave of the Heart. We are here to Serve, Love, Give, Purify, Meditate and Realize! OM OM
We Polish the Mirror of our Hearts with the Dust of our Gurus Lotus Feet; Gratitude to all the Teachers who have come before us who have so lovingly laid this path for us to follow: Mahavatar Babaji, Master Sivananda, Paramahansa Yogananda, Neem Karoli Baba, AC Bhaktivendanta Swami Prabhupada, Shirdi Sai Baba, Anandamayi Ma, Siddhartha Buddha, Jesus, Mother Theresa, St. Francis, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr, Thich Nhat Hanh, George Harrison, Ram Dass and to all those who continue to inspire us: Dalai Lama, Amma, Radhanath Swami, Mooji, Bhagavan Das, Krishna Das, Jai Uttal, Trevor Hall, Naren K. Schreiner and LopaMudra Bose, David Shiva Das and Abby Durga Devi, Jane Goodall, Ingrid Newkirk, Diana Beresford-Kroeger, Animal Lovers and Activists, Freedom Farm Sanctuaries, Tree Huggers, Spiritual Warriors & Freedom Fighters, Shamans & Seekers, Bhakti Yogis and Yoginis everywhere!
Cave of the Heart Home receives a constant Level of Love Consciousness and Quantum Energy from FLFE (Focused Life-Force Energy). We honour and acknowledge the Traditional Owners, both past and present, of the land on which we gather: The Three Fires Confederacy of First Nations, which includes the Ojibwa, Odawa and the Potawatamie.

Kerrie Prema Riberdy
Kerrie Prema Riberdy (Owner Cave of the Heart) is a Licensed Holistic Practitioner offering nearly 3 decades of experience in Holistic Health Services. Her previous businesses include Sol Invictus (2000-2013) and Flower Power (2013-2018). Kerrie is a CFA (Canadian Federation of Aromatherapists) Health Practitioner and an RRCO (Reflexology Registration of Ontario) Reflexologist. Kerrie’s Treatments are both loving and nurturing. Her home and treatment room have been designed to promote infinite comfort and ultimate relaxation. She has been blessed with the spiritual name Prema which is Sanskrit for Love, chosen for her by Swami Shivabhaktananda of the Sivananda Yoga Lineage. She has a strong adoration for Angels, Ascended Masters and Saints, and is a devoted Crystal Skull Keeper. Her devotion to Bhakti Yoga has encouraged her to study the Hanuman Chalisa, a 40 verse poem written by the Indian Saint Tulsidas. Under the guidance of her teachers David Shiva Das and Abby Durga Devi, her Bhakti Soul Sister Nancy Dayā Drew and her beloved harmonium Kailash, she has been able to open her heart and sing the names of the Divine. Cave of the Heart is a small space with a big heart! Nestled in the heart of Olde Riverside, it is a healing home sanctuary for those seeking refuge from the stress of everyday life. Services are created with the intention of pure love thus polishing the heart so that we can all shine our light brighter! Healing is possible, Only Love is Real.
I wish to Acknowledge and Thank all of my Teachers, past and present: Advanced Aromatherapy & Reflexology (Sara Rankin/Aromatica 1998-2000), Therapeutic Touch I, I & III (Flo Hartleib & Sharron Parrott 2000), Hot Stone Massage (Deborah Cottam-Burjaw/Body & Soul 2001), Indian Head Massage (Chris Carrothers/Balnea Institute 2003), Reiki I & II (David M. Broad 2010/2011), Tuning Fork Therapy I (Kyle Glassford 2015), Registered Yoga Teacher (Mary Farrell/Blossoming Lotus Yoga 2015-2016), Certified Prenatal Yoga (Sivananda Yoga Ashram, Val Morin QE 2017), Hand Mudra Yoga Teacher (Sabrina Mesko 2020), Munay-Ki Andean Shamanism (Alice Soon/White Lotus Heart & Shaman Sisters 2020-2021), CCMBA/CCSMC/The Black Pearl Technique (Dr. Sharon Forrest & Elif Leung 2022), The Warriors Journey II & III (Durga Devi & Shiva Das/House of Yoga 2022/2023) and Rahanni Celestial Healing Level 1 (Jenni Jinkerson/The Dreaming Tree 2023). Much Gratitude!
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If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.